Tuesday, December 18, 2007

border issues

I’m really getting eager to join these kinds of conversations! :


And the truth is, I would not even characterize my calling as a calling specifically to Latino people.  But for me, these conversations, these associations, these partnerships, and the acts of kindness and activism that ought to flow out of them, taps more into that essential vein of justice and mercy that is part of who we are at our core.  When I hear about these kinds of conversations, I hear a little of what N.T. Wright calls the “echo of justice” that all of us who follow Jesus are compelled to pursue until it’s heard more clearly.  And that’s a bigger, broader calling than a calling to any particular ethnic group.

When I think about moving to San Diego, I get excited about forming young leaders in a koinonia of friends fighting for justice and extending mercy.  I think that'll probably take us to the border and even way beyond it!

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