Sunday, August 30, 2009

A day in Ensenada

Some of us spent the day in Ensenada re-connecting with some friends and visiting Casa de Esperanza, a home for women and their children who are victims of domestic abuse.

Friday, August 28, 2009

nearly haiku

Jasmine, originally uploaded by hallywood.

Summer morning sun
walking. praying. laughing. listening.
A Jasmine blooms, and I stop.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gospel Reflection

This week we are going to see Jesus continue to set the stage for his crucifixion. He knows what He has come to do and He stays on the course. This is the only way for us to know the Father. I am so thankful that Jesus stayed on course, if not, we would not be here in NieuCommunities today.

As of now I would love to focus on the story of Peter acknowledging Jesus as the Christ. If there is any insight that you might have, or could look up that would help us all understand the significance of the moment, that would be wonderful. We are going to be looking at a video that has given me a great understanding of the moment.

(Read to the top of 69)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gospel Reflection

We had a great conversation on Sunday night about laying down our fears and our worries. Many times we have to bring those very same fears and worries to Jesus daily. I would encourage you to continue to lay them down. Jesus tells us we have nothing to fear! That is good news.

Feel free to leave comments about things you are learning or questions that you may have. It would help us all.

(For Aug 23 read from bottom of 47 through the second paragraph on 57)

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Fire on Earth

I was reading this morning and came across a passage that has always bothered me. I don't understand everything that is going on so I would read it and just keep going. Today I decided to sit with it a little longer hope to find so new insight. The passage is at the top of page 41. "I have come to bring fire..." paragraph. What really bothered me was that Jesus, the Prince of Peace said that He did not come to bring peace but division and that families will be divided against each other. This seems at odds with other things that Jesus has said before. I did a little research and found and great article on it. It was helpful for me in processing so I thought it might be helpful for others. Here is the link if you would like to read it

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Gospel Relfection

This past Sunday night was great being at the beach and worshiping together in God's creation. We discussed the story of the woman washing Jesus' feet with her tears at a Pharisees house. This is such a powerful story of Jesus' love and grace. I would love to hear some of your reflections on the story and what you learned. I would also love to hear of anything else that might have stood out in the pages between 26 - 35. Feel free to leave a comment so we can learn together.

(Reading for Sunday Aug 16th, pages 36 thru the bottom of 47)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gospel Reflections

So far we have read the birth are Jesus and the beginning of His ministry. There have been really great conversations happening on Sunday nights. I know that there are many more conversations that can happen but we don't always have the time for. Therefore, we are going to be able to continue the conversation here. Comment on different things that you read or heard.

It could be cool to reflect on what we have read so far and share it with the rest of us. Feel free to comment below.


(For this Sunday, Aug 9 we will be reading threw the bottom of page 35.)