Sunday, August 3, 2008


Pats, originally uploaded by hallywood.

Sophia and the girls stumbled upon Pat's in Northpark a few weeks back, after some locals turned them onto it. They took me there yesterday. A very cool place, with crazy junk, discards and some great finds. Inside you might find a killer piece of old furniture, a Santa hat, a vintage clock or a cool set of books.Think Sanford and Son.

Natalie had the killer find of the day. She has a series of books on her reading list for next year from the charter school we're part of. They had the entire set there, in pristine condition. Retails for $75. She got them, along with a small stuffed animal, for three bucks.


1 comment:

Rob Yackley said...

Wild place. I met Pat and loved looking for buried treasures. I found an amazing old-world lectern that is just dying to become something new and different...just not sure what that might be yet.